E Studio IV: Designing Environments for Social Systems

Reading Reflections

Renee Chang
4 min readJan 23, 2023

1/19) Reflecting on the uses/advantages and needs of using AI tools in your work.

After exploring with new tools such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion for the first time, I was utterly shocked at how these tools were able to create answers and images so fast and concise. When talking to ChatGPT, it helped me create some starting points for ideas that I could use which was really helpful since sometimes it can be difficult to explain your ideas in words. I thought it was interesting to ask very general questions such as “What are some ways people can interact with touch?”. I really enjoyed using Stable Diffusion as well since it helped me visualize these words in a way, however, a barrier that I faced was that I had already pictured something completely different when ChatGPT proposed the ideas. I definitely think that using Photoshop and Illustrator helped me create a visualization that I had imagined rather than completely depending on the images that Staple Diffusion had generated. Overall, I think that these AI tools is a starting point for designers, and we can stem off and create a more original and unique solution that reflects us more personally.

1/24) Molly Steenson on AI impacts design

I thought it was really interesting how the video made me interpret patterns in a different way. The quote that Chris Alexander had said, “Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice”, really stood out to me. This made me think about a pattern that I do in my daily life such as a morning routine or walking to campus, but patterns can also be seen in AI. It’s interesting how people use many AI programs, but the patterns behind those programs that actually make the software work are unable to be seen.

1/24) Anatomy of AI

The article mentions how Alexa represents the human-AI interaction interface for a complex set of information processing layers. What stood out to me was that Alexa is training to hear better by listening to the user and understanding the user’s habits. In a way the AI would not be able to further develop itself without the user. It’s kind of a give and take situation where the AI makes your daily life convenient, but you are also helping the AI improve.

1/24) Enchanted Objects: Design, Human Desire, and the Internet of Things by David Rose

The term “enchanted objects” is really interesting since it is a way to describe very simple, everyday objects that have magical special features to them for example the pen that can record and take pictures or automatic shades. In a way I understood this TED talk by interpreting “enchanted objects” as objects that help everyday life. I was really intrigued by the umbrella that lights up when it is raining. Small details added to objects can really make people’s lives a lot more convenient, however, it is also important as David mentioned that the objects should still be humanistic.

1/26) Audrey Desjardin, IoT Data in the Home: Observing Entanglements and Drawing New Encounters

Something that stood out to me was how the reading mentioned that data are like bread crumbs. Since people use bread crumbs trails to trace back their paths, we also use those data, intangible bread crumbs to trace our steps back through data logs to remember, understand, and revisit previously accessed content. Overall, the reading gave me a new insight to how intangible data can be more residual in a playful and fun way.

Toward Understanding Playful Beverage-based Gustosonic Experiences

This reading made me intrigued by how playful and enjoyable experiences can be created by combining various flavors and sounds in beverages. This can be seen as a form of creating sensory sensations, where the aim is to create a memorable and enjoyable experience for people through the combination of taste and sound. The concept can also be seen as a reflection of the increasing importance of sensory experiences in everyday life, as people tend to seek out things that not only meet their functional needs but also provide a unique and enjoyable experience.

Towards a Framework for Designing Playful Gustosonic Experiences

The notion of gustosonic refers to the link between eating actions and listening within a combined multisensory experience. I think it’s interesting to see how eating actions are linked to listening sounds. I feel that people don’t tend to notice the different sounds they make while eating for example a crisp crunch or a slurp with noodles. It’s interesting to think that the experience of consuming food or drink can be enhanced by the addition of sounds, which makes me think about what other experiences sound can enhance. This makes me think about food or beverage brands that have used the concept of gustosonic.

